Empowering Women: Stories of Faith, Strength, and Resilience" is an inspiring collection of stories that showcases the incredible power of Jesus Christ.
Have you ever felt like your challenges were a heavy coat you just couldn't shake off? I get it. But you know what? Just as the frosty winter gives way to the vibrant spring, our struggles can lead to growth and beautiful new beginnings. 🌿
✨ Think about those tough little flowers in your garden. They survive the frost and come back even stronger every year. That's us too! Each challenge is an opportunity to sink our roots deeper into faith and resilience.
💪 And remember, the most stunning gardens start as simple patches of dirt. So, let's embrace our struggles and watch as they transform into blessings. We're blooming together, one day at a time!
Discovering My Calling in Healing.
From a young age I knew I was called to full time ministry and loving on other people. People opened up to me from a young age, and continued to pour their hearts out to me with full trust.
The Lord has used me to speak to others. As I work hand in hand with Jesus, through spirit led coaching lives are being transformed. I’m here to answer the call, and there is no doubt in my mind the gifts HE has given me is to help set others free.
Ashes to Crowns
My story of redemption. As a young girl looking for love and attention that was only violated and cut deeper than before. My wounds were deep and it had me running the wrong direction.
You are not alone
You're Not Alone: A Love Letter to the Lonely Heart
In those moments when loneliness threatens to drown your spirit, let the truth of God's presence be your lifeboat. Embrace your calling, not as a solitary journey, but as a dance with the Creator who adores you. The One who understands your lonely nights and whispers, "You're not alone; I am with you."
So, my lovely, and all the beautiful hearts reading this, let's hold onto the promise that God's love is a constant companion. In the midst of loneliness, find comfort in His nearness, draw strength from His presence, and step into the Great Commission with the assurance that you're not navigating this path alone.
Sending you all my love,
Suzy xoxo
Unleashing God’s Power In You.
Dear influencers, as you navigate the realms of influence, consider the untapped potential within you—the power of the Holy Spirit. Embrace the supernatural, fix your gaze on Jesus, and watch as God's power flows through you to impact the world around you. Together, let's unleash God's power to make a lasting Kingdom impact.
As we are in the thick of the holiday season, it isn’t the same without my earthly dad. But I’m oh so thankful for my Heavenly Father who comforts me. I praise God for my amazing earthly dad who raised me well. But if it weren’t for my deeply rooted identity in Christ I think I would be grieving and mourning more. I’m so excited for heaven some day. 💕
I see you.
You won’t find happiness with all the money or influence in the world. You still must know deeply who you are and how loved you are. It sounds easier said than done, but once you shift to the mind of Christ - you become more limitless in your influence. Influencing influencers for Jesus.
Power of your Imagination
God gave us our imagination. As wild as it can be - do you think it’s a way we can reach the world? Do you think God speaks to us and enables us to speak to others with words of knowledge through our imagination? I hope this inspires you to new heights in your thinking and imagination. Keep dreaming.
Can you really integrate faith in your business?
How you can integrate faith in Jesus Christ into your business. If we commit our plans to the Lord we will succeed, so if we want to succeed we must give our business to the LORD!! So to me it’s a no-brainer question if we should integrate the two! It is crucial for Christian women in business to bring their faith into their small business to thrive!
10 ways to boost your confidence
I believe when you are anchored in who God made you to be + how He sees you - you cannot help but leap in all you do with full confidence. As a woman in business this is crucial to running your business Gods way.
Gods word gives clarity
As a Christian woman in business have you ever felt stuck? As if you had gotten to a fork in the road and you feel like ripping your hair out because you don’t know which way to go? You may fear making a mistake - or going the wrong way.?
Daughter of a king
When you KNOW who you are it changes everything. Your perspective, your thoughts and your confidence. I wanted to share with you 7 biblical principals today on the proof of who you are, even as a Christian Business Owner, and to let go of any slavery mindsets you may be going back to. You are a free daughter of a King. It’s time to start acting and taking action like you know it. For 1:1 coaching contact Suzy for consultation as we walk through this together.
From Faking It to Making It:
My journey from faking it to making it was a transformational one, and it was all made possible through the grace and guidance of the Lord. Today, I want to share my story with you in the hope that it will inspire and empower you on your own path to true confidence.
Suzy’s 10 website tips
Wanting to optimize your website for your business? Over the past 7 years I have gleaned from other professionals and learned what works well and what does not. I learned the blogging part probably the hard way, but look you are here reading this - so a bit of proof it works!! Christian Business Coaching.
How to Begin
Blog for the Christian momma and entrepreneur. Balancing life, business and family. Suzy strives to walk in obedience into her promised land and desires to lead you to yours. She is doing is scared, and she is doing it messy. Jump on in, let’s ride together! Christian Photographer Blog. Christian Photographer Coaching