Suzy’s 10 website tips

As my website is currently under construction I was looking back at all the notes I have jotted down the past five years from people more tech savvy and smarter than I am when it comes to SEO and websites. As I have read and gleaned from others I compiled 10 of the greatest tips I have learned and wanted to pass it along to you in Video form below.

Wanting to optimize your website for your business? Over the past 7 years I have gleaned from other professionals and learned what works well and what does not. I learned the blogging part probably the hard way, but look you are here reading this - so a bit of proof it works!!

Suzy Holling

Brand Identity Photographer & Coach. Elevating your personal brand through captivating, authentic photography that reflects your true identity and drives your business forward

From Faking It to Making It:


The Call