Power of your Imagination

I believe God gave us our imagination.  He gave us our conscious, spirit, mind, body, soul. every part of our being. When what we imagine is good, & when it is pulling out the gold of those around me I run with it. (plus if I ask God, and its good I know its Him)  As a seer, I imagine so many things - then I speak what I imagine- and I’m pulling it into being.  Speaking what is not into being. Jesus said He did what he saw the father doing - do you think it was his imagination when he put dirt on eyes??

“I believe God gave us our imagination.”

As I sit here in my beautiful farmhouse I dreamed of, and it came into being. I imagined it, dreamed it, spoke it and my dream happened!! Praise God!! Trust me, I still have huge dreams of a barndominium here for you to come to for a spirit filled oasis to retreat and find deep rest. I long for others to come and be filled to overflowing and then Go and bring the outpouring to the rest of the world. I imagine this place as a watering hole.  Come and get filled. This is still in my imagination, the hope of my heart - and me writing it here - God willing- I believe it will happen.

I do have to take the steps to get there.  Walk in obedience, steward well, keep in step with What God is saying - But because HE reminds me of it everyday I believe its HIS will given to me.  Deposited for me, because He is for me and YOU. He is for the Great Commission. (PS and you should see the garden)  

Imagination gives me words of knowledge.  I close my eyes and ask God what he has for a specific person - He often uses my imagination - I’ll see it and tell them what I see and it is so spot on - ONLY God could have given me the vision.  This happens so often it becomes funny - like last week I was texting my friend saying “I hope you are resting”.  And I said, “I see you sitting on your couch eating ice cream with your cat.”  And she responded - “ That is literally what I’m doing”.  You can’t make this stuff up.  This is a way that God uses the prophetic through our imagination. Now isn’t that  powerful??? Plus this happens all the time now as I lean into what the father is showing me.

“Imagination gives words of knowledge”

God has no limits. God gives us our imagination. And when we love others well we can use it to love on them.

God gives me my imagination to bring you to new places to imagine yourself.  He often brings me to the dance floor to dance with him. I have a royal carriage he puts me in when we are going somewhere new. We even have a valley under an oak tree. Jesus has a tea party set up for me to come and lay next to Him to hear his heartbeat.  I am constantly imagining people in places He longs for them to be so if you are willing to go with me.  Take the 2 minutes to pause in this devotional to go imagine being in the place God has shown me for you.  This is where transformation happens.  When you can rest. Just be.  Fully loved.  Fully accepted by the King and ruler of the universe who is madly in love with you.  You are more than enough.  You have infinite worth.  Imagine with me. 

PS. I don’t want to completely ignore the evil side of our imagination and why I’m writing the devotional book.  Our minds and imaginations can spiral.  When our kid or husband isn’t home on time we suddenly imagine them in a ditch or even worse - dead.  Or have you ever imagined yourself just driving off the road?  I have many times, But God. I choose to switch my thoughts on what is lovely.

Death, and suicidal thoughts are often the imagination and rooted from the evil one.  I don’t want to give that guy any power here, but I want to address what may be an elephant in your room that he is a liar.  He is weak, he can be banished from your thoughts and imagination.  You get to choose.  You decide what thoughts you take captiveYOU have that power and authority. I also know those thoughts aren’t from God, so I’m clear in who I’m asking - I go to the father, son & Holy Spirit for my imagination. 

Gods word says in Philippians 4:8

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

Will you think of your imagination differently??

Would love to hear from you.

Much love,

Suzy xoxo

Suzy Holling

Brand Identity Photographer & Coach. Elevating your personal brand through captivating, authentic photography that reflects your true identity and drives your business forward


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