Unleashing God’s Power In You.
A Call to Influencers for Kingdom Impact
Dear Influencer,
In the realm of social media and cultural influence, there exists a power within each of us that transcends the ordinary—a power that stems from a source greater than ourselves. As a called and anointed woman of God seeking to reach influencers like you, I want to share the transformative truth about unleashing God's power within.
If you have welcomed Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you have invited His Holy Spirit to indwell in you (Romans 8:9). This divine power is not merely a concept but a living reality. The words of Jeremiah 5:14 remind us that the words we speak have the potential to be like fire, consuming obstacles and transforming lives. Your words, influenced by the Spirit within, possess a unique power to shape destinies.
Jesus, in John 14:12, declares that those who believe in Him will do not only the works He did but even greater works. How is this possible? It is through Him and His Spirit within you. When we surrender ourselves and allow His power to flow through us, miracles happen. John 12:24-26 illustrates the principle of yielding to God's power, comparing it to a grain of wheat falling into the earth, bearing much fruit.
I've personally witnessed the miraculous impact of God's power, both internally and externally. The key is relinquishing ourselves and allowing His power to flow through us. Though it may be uncomfortable to approach others for prayer, when our desire aligns with the will of the Father, walking in obedience becomes paramount.
Consider the example of Peter, who, faced with a beggar seeking alms, declared in Acts 3:6, "I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!" Peter gave what he had within him—Jesus' power. This was not merely a command; it was an expression of supernatural authority. Both Peter and the beggar stepped out in faith, pulling the supernatural into the natural.
Faith, as the evidence of things not seen, played a pivotal role in these moments. Peter's walk on water, though faltering when he took his eyes off Jesus, underscores the importance of fixing our attention on the supernatural.
The Kingdom of God is not distant or abstract; it is available to us through the powerful name of Jesus. Often, our childhood imagination is dismissed as mere fantasy, but what if it was the beginning of sensing the supernatural realm—the substance of faith becoming tangible reality? We must first see it in the supernatural before it manifests in the natural.
Proverbs 29:18 warns, "Where there is no vision, the people perish." Lack of vision hinders our ability to perceive the supernatural. Romans 9:17 further illuminates that God's purpose is to demonstrate His power through us. We often attempt to operate in the natural to bring in the supernatural, but the truth is, we are called to operate in the supernatural to bring the natural into this realm—a concept rooted in the very creation of the world.
As you navigate the realms of influence, consider the untapped potential within you—the power of the Holy Spirit. Embrace the supernatural, fix your gaze on Jesus, and watch as God's power flows through you to impact the world around you. Together, let's unleash God's power to make a lasting Kingdom impact.
In His Service,
xoxo, Suzy