The Call
You are anointed, and appointed for such a times as this. You may have heard that term before, but let it sink into your heart for a moment. For THIS moment in time YOU were created to live on purpose.
I speak to the fire inside you. I speak wind to fan the flame of faith deep in your soul. Arise. I tell that flame to roar like a lioness. May your faith increase in this very moment!
“Fan the flame of faith deep in your soul. Arise.”
The gifts you have been afraid to step out and use are ready. There is an increase in them once you take them out of your “tool belt” so to speak. He is waiting for you. He will strengthen you. He says “arise my child” the gifts are readily available.
You have been dabbling in your gifts with the people around you - very good! But its time to rise up in them - the Lord wants to you you to pour favor across the nations. I see an unleashing or unbridling in you. The leash that kept you captive the Lord is taking off! Its time to break out! This is your freedom! But listen - your fear of man and his opinions must fall.
“I see an unleashing or unbridling in you ”
Romans 12:1-2 says “ I encourage you to surrender yourselves to God to be His sacred, living sacrifices. And live in holiness, experiencing all the delights His heart. For this becomes your genuine expression of worship. STOP imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spiri through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern Gods will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.”
SO swing that stone like David did with his fierce faith and watch the giants fall before you!! God is WITH YOU!
Your authority is rising. As you see yourself as He sees you and where you are seated as a royal priestess - It is time to take position. Take your position.
“Your authority is rising. Take your position”
Come to the filling station of His love for you. For it is the Lord, the Holy Spirit, that gives you the explosive power that flows in and through you. (Eph 6) This is the alignment I keep talking about - that you, a woman of influence must walk in to spend your life for HIs purpose.
Live for His purposes - “Take full advantage of every day as your spend your life for His purposes” (Eph 5:16) Live to ignite the people around you. Set aflame in those beside you. See the gold in them and pull it out the way our Papa in heaven does for you.
Its time to play Holy Spirit tag. Tag - YOUR IT!
Lets go!