11 days
Your promised land. Does it seem attainable? Do you feel as if you are wandering in the desert? Do you feel lost - or in a dry and parched land? Do you feel deep down there is SO much more for you in store for you and your life. Do you keep dreaming of what is to come, but you aren’t sure how to get there or why its taking so long? Do you have a burning desire or imprint on your heart? Maybe words spoken over you? Promises from the Lord - but they haven’t fully come to pass? I think of Jer 29:11 for you right now. He has plans for you. Plans for GOOD and to prosper you.
“Deep down you know there is so much more”
Do you just know there is so much more in store for you? Gods word even says so.
When God delivered the Israelites from Pharaoh they had been living in slavery their entire life. They had been told what to do, how to do it and in complete bondage. Both physically and mentally. They had internalized the demands to always work, produce, perform, do and never able to say no. To constantly be working and striving was “normal”. Looks a lot like what I’ve experienced to be honest. This hit me in the gut. What am I trying to achieve? I find myself working hard and striving. In bondage to our “dreams”. But I’ve found a resting place. I’ve found “the vein” so to speak of walking in His will into His promise for me.
When the Israelites were set FREE physically they were still in bondage to their mindsets. Strangely slavery had become comfortable. (Sound familiar??) They were physically free - but still enslaved to their mindsets. Did you know the trip from Egypt to their actual promised land would have only been an 11 day trip?? This is insane to me! It took them 40 years of wandering and breaking off this enslaved mindset to make this 11 day journey.
What if you could make it there in only 11 days? Yes there were battles between the desert and their promise. They even had to defeat the giants both physically and mentally - BUT God was completely on their side! They had to trust His voice. They enslaved themselves with disobedience, fear, and lack of faith. They saw those giants (in the physical) much bigger than they saw God (who is WAY bigger) on their side. Only 2 had this fierce faith. Only 2 saw beyond the physical. Only 2 trusted and obeyed. And those 2 entered their promised Land.
God has prescribed you freedom. Freedom in your heart, soul, mind and spirit. Your way of thinking & striving may be comfortable - when you are enslaved by it. Gods desire, my desire and I hope your desire is to break free. HE IS FOR YOU!! He has given you the Holy Spirit to have the mind of Christ! His thoughts can be your thoughts!
“God has prescribed you freedom”
What ways of thinking are you enslaved to? What do you fear? Where in your thinking might you be only seeing the physical but not the supernatural? Are you listening to Gods direction? Is Holy Spirit guiding you daily?
The worlds view is opposite of the supernatural. We are told to pull down heaven. We have all authority on heaven and on earth! Matt 28:18-20 Jesus is in US! We have this authority.
So this really made my mind shift. We work so hard to achieve so much. The Israelites worked really hard for 40 years to achieve the dream. It could have been so much quicker!!!! I believe this is the year of acceleration. The Lord wants to accelerate you into your calling, your purpose and your destiny -YOUR promised land. What if you could make it there in only 11 days? What if by walking in obedience, fierce faith - HIS REST and yielding to Holy Spirit 11 days would transform your life?
“The Lord wants to accelerate you into your calling, your purpose, and your destiny - YOUR promised Land”
Would you join me on an 11 day journey? There will be battles, there will be giants. There will be doing the opposite of what the world tells you. It won’t be easy. But what if? What if you made it in 11 days? I feel so confident that the Lord will change you in this time span - accelerating you. I want to guide you, cheer you and pray with you. I want to help you shift your mindset to true freedom. Satan can’t have your breakthrough, increase, your promise - but if you are really in this with me -this means war.
I am currently constructing an 11 day challenge of shifting our mindsets to walk into a new freedom and through the desert. If you want this challenge in your life click below for updates on how to join. I’m praying for your breakthrough. I’m praying your mindset is shifted. That you see God much bigger than your fears or giants. Pray you shift from poverty to thriving. From complaining to gratitude. Fuzzy to clear. That HIS voice would be crystal clear and you would take the enemies lies captive. You will walk boldly in the anointing and fierce faith the Lord has freely given.
To join Enter info below and I’ll be in touch soon by email. You can pray for me as I’m listening to Gods voice and creating. We will start by March 1st.
Cannot wait to see how the Lord works through you and in you!
Much Love,